Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Battle Mage Cardinal Guide di Luna Online Path 1

Battle Mage Cardinal Guide di Luna Online Path 1


Keunggulan Cardinal dalam Battle
1. Damage Single Person Skillsnya sakit
2. Level Buff yang tinggi (buffnya banyak lg)


Mage > Wizard > Sorcerer > Inquirer > Cardinal

  • Cleric Path : +12 Vitality +5% HP
  • Wizard Path : +10% Magic Attack +10% Casting Speed
Karena kita mengincar damage yang besar, pilih wizard path.

Lokasi NPC Job Change

* Wizard - Alker Harbor
* Sorcerer - Alker Harbor
* Inquirer - Red Orc Outpost
* Cardinal - Naila Village

Stats :
Full Int

Skills :

Mage lvl 1 - 19

Active Skills :

o Fire Ball
o Intelligence

Passive Skills :

o Spell Barrier [Max]

Wizard lvl 20 - 39

Active Skills:

o Fire Ball [Max]
o Wind Spike [Max]
o Wizardy [Max]
o Bloodstream [Optional, jika kamu merasa MPmu bocor]
o Intelligence [Max]

Passive Skills:

o Spell Craft [Max]
o Spell Barrier [Max]

Sorcerer Level 40 - 74

Active Skills:

o Fire Ball [Remain Level 10]
o Wind Spike [Max]
o Blizzard [Max]
o Fire Blast [Max]
o Wizardy [Max]
o Bloodstream [Optional, jika kamu merasa MPmu Bocor]
o Intelligence [Max]

Passive Skills:

o Spell Craft [Max]
o Spell Barrier [Max]

Inquirer level 75 - 104

Active Skills:

o Fire Ball [Remain Level 10]
o Wind Spike [Max]
o Blizzard [Max]
o Holy Justice [Max]
o Fire Blast [Max]
o Wizardy [Max]
o Bloodstream [Optional]
o Twinlke Magic [Max]
o Intelligence [Max]
o Fortunate Magic [Max]
o Bless Vital [Max]
o Bless Mind [Max]
o Angelic Touch > Angelic Breath [Max]

Passive Skills:

o Spell Craft [Max]
o Spell Barrier [Max]
o Light Armor Expertise [Max]
o Enhanced HP [Max]
o Witch Craft [Max]

Note : Setelah menjadi cardinal langsung RESET SKILL

Cardinal Level 105++

Note : Untuk menggunakan Turn Undead Level 6 - 10 kamu butuh 1 Purified Aquamarine.
Active Skills:
*deskripsinya pada lvl max yah (lvl max gak selalu 10, ada yg 2, bahkan ada yg 1)*

o Fast Heal [Level 1 sudah cukup] --> Heal 224 HP + int, cooldown SANGAT cepat
o Shield of Justice [Max] -----------> 642 damage, stun 95% selama 2,6 detik
o Holy Taker [Max] ----------------> 2142 damage selama 4,5 detik
o Holy Justice [Max] --------------> 665 damage, Cast cepat
o Turn Undead [Max] -------------> 1653 damage , butuh 1 purified aquamarine
o Wizardy [Max] -------------------> 12% Matk utk 10 menit
o Bloodstream [Optional] -----------> Convert 254 HP jadi 516 MP
o Twinlke Magic [Max] ------------> +20,1 Magic Crit selama 20 menit
o Concentration [Max] -------------> 12% Magic atk, - 15 Phy Def selama 3 menit
o Orpheus's Poem [Max] -----------> +45 int untuk orang disekitar mu selama 1080 detik
o Beholder [Level 5] --------------> Detek musuh yang stealth
o Intelligence [Max] --------------> +50 Int selama 1140 detik
o Wisdom [Max] ------------------> + 80 wis selama 1400 detik
o Fortunate Magic [Max] ----------> +16,3 Magic Crit Chance selama 300 detik
o Bless Vital [Max] ----------------> 20% Max HP utk 1200 detik
o Shrewd Spell [Max] -------------> -50% Cast Speed utk 1200 detik
o Shield [Max] --------------------> 21% Def utk 1200 detik
o Holy Barrier [Max] ---------------> Kebal selama 9,6 detik
o Bless Mind [Level 5] -------------> +21 MP regen selama 1140 detik
o Bless Wind [Level 5] -------------> +25 Movement speed utk 1140 detik
o Mind Barrier [Level 5] -----------> 17% Magic Def utk 1140 detik
o Angelic Breath [Max] ------------> -20 Mdef utk 35 detik, 85% sleep utk 28 detik
o Cripple [Max] -------------------> 80% bikin musuh ga bisa gerak selama 16 detik

Passive Skills:

o Spell Craft [Max] ----------------> 10% Magic Attack
o Spell Barrier [Max] ---------------> -49,5% kemungkinan magic di resist
o Robe Armor Expertise [Max] ------> 19% Def jika menggunakan Robe
o Light Armor Expertise [Optional] --> 13,6% Def jika menggunakan Light Armor
o Enhanced HP [Max] --------------> +1000 HP, +2% HP, +8 HP regen
o Witch Craft [Max] ---------------> 13% Magic Attack jika menggunakan Staff (2 handed)


Level 1-75 :
Untuk Robe, beli di NPC sudah cukup, atau craft sendiri untuk dapat stat tambahan

Kamu bisa beli di :
o Level 1-20: Alker Harbor
o Level 25-50: Zakandia
o Level 55-75: Naila Village

*Gunakan 1 Handed Wand , jadi bisa pasang shield utk mendapatkan def tambahan*

o Arcwand : Level 33 Wand
o Holy Ove : Level 51 Wand
o Wizardly Wand : Level 63 Wand
o Zukini's Death Wand : Level 64 Wand

Level 80-104:

Aku merekomendasikan Depraved Monkey Light Armor Set dan Yoma's Circlet. Gunakan equip ini hingga level 104.

o Ahtena's Mithril Hammer : Level 82 Special Hammer for Mage.

Level 105+
Note : Kalau kamu merasa pake robe itu bocor def, gunakan light armor untuk def yang lebih tinggi

o Faust Robe : 20+ Int Philo w/ 30+ Vit Reinforce
o Faust Boots : 20+ Int Crafted Stats and must be 20+ Int Philo w/ 25 Vit Reinforce
o Secret Formula Gloves : 20+ Int Philo w/ 30+ Int Reinforce
o Secret Formula Necklace : 20+ Int Philo w/ 600+ HP Reinforce
o Hathor Rings : 20+Int Philo w/ 500+ MP Reinforce
o Gemini / Castor Earing : 18+ Int Philo w/ 500+ MP Reinforce
o Kynee : 20+ Int Philo w/ 30+ Int Reinforce
o Aias's Shield
o Eternal Flame Belt or Belt of Darkness
o Jasmine : 20gp w/ 10 Int 5 Wisdom (ga bisa di trade)

o Medusa Staff: Int Philo w/ Magic Attack Reinforce
o Athena's Mithril Hammer: Int Philo w/ Magic Attack Reinforce

Costumes :
+15% HP/MP/Movement Speed untuk baju
Shini Gloves + 500 HP
Sepatu apa aja yang +2 Vit
Skelly Mask, Hellenopolis Cape
3%int Headband
Int Glasses
Tapi kalo ingin pake costum dgn maksud fashion jg gpp.

Tips :

Stun/Sleep Combo:

Angelic Breath > Tunggu CD Angelic berkurang > Shield of Justice > Turn Undead > Ulangi

Pets :

Ambil Skill Buff dan Heal

Leveling Map

o Level 1-15 : Alker Gate
o Level 15-20 : Ruins of Draconian
o Level 20-30 : Zakandia
o Level 30-35 : Moon Blind Forest
o Level 35-40 : Moon Blind Swamp
o Level 40-60 : Howling Ravine
o Level 60-83 : Howling Cave 2nd floor
o Level 83-90 : Valley of Fairy
o Level 90-100 : Ghost Tree Swamp
o Level 100-105 : Huge Garden
o Level 105-110 : Naila Harbor
o Level 110-125 : Grave of the Knights

Spoiler for .:

Turn Undead ke Musuh lvl 120

Turn Undead ke Musuh lvl 116

Turn Undead ke Musuh lvl 1 (buset)

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